September 2024
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    パリ大賞典 2024 結果 凱旋門賞へ向け注目馬の走りは【競馬】

    s with the ground David munier as often quietly confident um I do like Deus is my selection for this three out of three he’s always looked like this race would be tailor made for him he beat Sagan in the in the trial for this the predel at Shanti recently uh but uh another one very much for the short list is Suzie who was last seen third in the predes Jockey Club for maxim guong and the verer brothers I spoke to Maxim earlier before it absolutely poured down and he said he was pleased that the ground was better than it was in the prish hockey club for this horse but he has shown his aptitude on softer going as well and he looked a picture he goes in and of course Aiden O’Brien has won this on several occasions in the past Illinois dropping down in trip under Kristoff Sumo the brother of D dream here’s Darren ow and thereof for the gr PRI de par so a mile and a half in front of them and Illinois began well anona blue cap White Cap of SCE as they sort themselves out through the first 200 M CIA is racing close in behind the leaders and then Tam farer in mid pack followed by Mondo man further back to the unbeaten delus and Gerald MOS on his last long sh ride is Santi last of all so it is is Illinois the Royal ascet winner but taking the wide course is Sian these are being followed by S and mondo man followed by Tam far just in behind them then comes Anon n ahead of deus in the blue colors as they go behind the petty and last of all Santi so it is CA making the running CA shunning that inside running rail but leads by around about three lengths Illinois second place Mondo man third SOI in fourth place chased by tamana then comes antonor Deus is second last and Santi is at the back as the eight runners go towards the top end of the track so C and the pace set up heading now towards the halfway marker in the grand PRI de parie Illinois still holding second Mondo man is in third with SCE and anono together Tam Farner Switched Off by hasheen Murphy Deus is in second last position with the anchor at the moment in hands of Christian deuro and up along the inside santti Gerald MOS going into the false straight and it is still C and the leader from Illinois in second back in third place on the inside Mondo man SOI an nor next from Tam far Santi and Deus the unbeaten deas is at the back as they head now towards the Turnin 500 to go and it is cayan the leader Illinois Corners in second place so Mondo man are next followed by antonor tan has got a clear view send then in behind the is Santi and on the extreme outside deas in the dark blue jacket heading inside the 300 met marker now and SOI hits the front from Illinois Tam farer is giving Chase anon’s far running rail but s has got the lead s heading to the last 100 met s in front by a few lengths to Illinois tampana and Deus but Soy goes on to win the Grand Pre to Parry Illinois second Deus is in third and Tam fourth [Applause]

    パリ大賞典の結果です 2024年7月13日(現地時間) 仏・パリロンシャン 芝2400m【競馬】
    凱旋門賞と同じ舞台の注目レース ここから新星誕生!となるか 出馬表↓

    ① サガンティ    牡 3  58   G.モッセ
    ② シバイアン    牡 3  58   I.メンディザバル
    ③ イリノイ     牡 3  58   C.スミヨン
    ④ モンドマン    牡 3  58   M.バルザローナ
    ⑤ デリアス     牡 3  58   C.デムーロ
    ⑥ インターノート  牡 3  58   A.マダムト
    ⑦ ソシエ      牡 3  58   M.ギュイヨン
    ⑧ タムファナ    牝 3  56.5   O.マーフィー


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