September 2024
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    Firefighters climb 110 flights to remember 9/11 first responders

    Firefighters in Virginia Beach climbed 110 flights on stair steppers with 70 lbs of full gear on to commemorate the fallen first responders from Sept. 11, 2001 — 23 years ago. The 110 flights is an homage to the 110 floors in the World Trade Center’s twin towers.


    1. 9911 was the craziest thing that I ever experienced but at the same time our government government took that guy that flew that plane into the Twin Towers they took him off death row and they gave him life in prison instead of death row that man that did that to the Twin Towers they took him off of death row and gave him life in prison without the possibility of parole I thought our country don't negotiate with terrorists

    2. Looks like you giys would have been very ypung when that happened. I WAS ALSO. I WAS 11 YEARS OLD, joined the army 6 years after to go fight in that war… all my family did also. I am a disabled combat veteran now and retired, my grandmother a 30+ year redcross worker was there less than 1 month that those yowers fell, she succumbed in 2018 yo the aftermath of ground zero. I was even stationed in upstate NY 10TH MOUNTAIN DIVISION. 2 DEPLOUMENTS WITH THEM AND 2 MORE WIYH RANGER BATTALION! THANK YOU, GENTLEMAN.

    3. As a granddaughter of a chief fireman for Dallas FD… thank you men for your service! Your bravery is APPRECIATED ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    4. I'm sorry this just seems ridiculous. I understand remembrance but like this is just physically exhausting yourself for no reason. Firefighters still do hard work every day its not like 9/11 was the only time they ever had to do really difficult work. Don't get me wrong i respect firefighters I just really don't get all the pomp and circumstance around this.

    5. Is dat not the fire fighter they had one picture of N supposedly that picture was the last time anyone seen him after dat but that first one really looks like that one fire fighter n its not js a big coincidence that they are talking about 9/11 n j was already thinking in my head like wtfk that actually looks like dat one missing fire fighter they had that only one picture of

    6. A serious case of don’t judge a book by its cover. I swiped onto this video and was immediately like “is this a prank? Why are these guys fully kitted up in a public gym?” Then it was immediately made evident. Such a touching tribute and act of commemoration for those who lost everything on that day so that lives could be saved

    7. Kinda like if a tree falls and no one is around to hear it… if you do a good deed and don’t post it on the internet, did you really do a good deed?..🤦‍♂️

    8. And unfortunately, more first responders are going to die from breathing in toxins then the actual tragedy itself.. so appreciate the gesture but there’s work to be done.

    9. I’m all for doing something in respect but a stair stepper is 5x easier than actual stairs your not actually pushing yourself up in elevation your just moving you legs down as the stairs move down half the effort required I remember the first time I heard of this firefighters were going to sky scrapers walking to the top catching the elevator down and going up again THATS badassery

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